Dental Unit

Conscious sedation

About the service

Fear of pain and anxiety are two of the main reasons why many people postpone or avoid visiting the dentist. However, thanks to the advancement of medical technology, today there are several options available to deal with these situations and provide the patient with a more comfortable and pleasant experience. One of these options is the conscious sedation service.

The conscious sedation service is offered to patients who experience anxiety and fear during dental procedures. This method of sedation is based on the administration of nitrous oxide dosed in mild amounts through a nasal mask. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that has been used in dentistry for many years as a safe and effective means of helping patients relax and reduce pain during dental procedures.

During conscious sedation, the patient remains conscious and able to respond to the dentist’s instructions. However, nitrous oxide has a calming and analgesic effect, which means the patient is comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure. Conscious sedation is especially useful for those patients who experience intense fear of pain, as it temporarily blocks the sensation of pain.

One of the major benefits of conscious sedation is that it allows the dentist to perform procedures faster and more efficiently, as the patient is relaxed and does not move during the procedure. This also reduces the risk of accidental injury during the procedure and improves the quality of the final results.

Another important advantage of conscious sedation is that it reduces the need for local anesthesia in many cases. Local anesthesia can be painful and, in some cases, can cause an allergic reaction in the patient. With conscious sedation, the patient does not need local anesthesia, which means the procedure is safer and less painful.

The conscious sedation service is also useful for those patients who have difficulty keeping their mouth open during dental procedures. Conscious sedation helps relax the jaw muscles, which makes it easier for the dentist to access the treatment area and reduces stress on the patient’s jaw.

In summary, the conscious sedation service is an excellent option for patients who experience anxiety and fear during dental procedures. This method of sedation is safe, effective and can help reduce pain and discomfort during treatment. It also allows the dentist to work more efficiently and improve the quality of the final results. If you are fearful or anxious during dental procedures, you may want to consider sedation.

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